Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy

Musculoskeletal physiotherapy focuses on the treatment of diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system, including bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments and joints.

Its aim is to relieve pain, improve function and enhance quality of life. Core methods include manual therapies and customized exercises to strengthen and increase flexibility, as well as effective pain management.

Ergonomic advice and posture training help to prevent future injuries and optimize posture. Treatment also includes preventative advice and post-operative rehabilitation support to enable a speedy recovery and return to everyday activities.

Physiotherapie Arthrose


GLA: D program for knee and hip osteoarthritis (on request)

Physiotherapie Blockaden


Physiotherapie Kieferbeschwerden

Jaw problems

Physiotherapie Kopfschmerzen

Headaches, migraines,

dizziness, tinnitus

Tension type headaches, cervicogenic headaches etc.

Physiotherapie Nackenbeschwerden

Neck pain

Neurologische Beschwerden

Neurological complaints

Ischialgia, tunnel-syndromes (e.g. carpal tunnel syndrome etc.)


Physiotherapie Nonspezifische Rückenschmerzen

Nonspecific lower back pain

Physiotherapie Rückenbeschwerden

Spine problems

Slipped discs, blockages, facet joint arthrosis, hypermobility after pregnancy, sacroiliac joint problems, spinal canal stenosis, scoliosis, etc.

Physiotherapie Schulterbeschwerden

Shoulder complaints

Subacromial impingement syndrome, frozen shoulder, SLAP lesion, etc.